Pipe Advice for the 管道 Impaired

Pipe Advice for the 管道 Impaired

Pipe Advice for the 管道 Impaired

Your home’s plumbing system could benefit from a little TLC from someone other than the plumber every once in a while. Due to the change of seasons, 老化的水利基础设施, and everyday use of your pipes, it doesn’t take much for them to slip up unexpectedly. Show your pipes that you care by putting the following plumbing advice to work:


  • 管道冻住了? When the pipe starts to thaw, turn on the nearest faucet so the water has an escape route. 通过这样做, you’re relieving the pressure contained in the pipe while also preventing the pipe from bursting.
  • Test your water pressure regularly with a $10 gauge. If it is above 80 PSI then make sure to reach out to your plumber.
  • Right before winter time hits, it’s important to 拆除花园软管 from the hose bibb in order to prevent trapped water from freezing and bursting the valve.
  • Prevent frozen pipes and valves by insulating any pipes that come in contact with exterior walls or are vulnerable to extreme cold temperatures.
  • Trick your toilet into showing its own hidden leaks by adding approximately six drops of food coloring to the toilet tank. The color will appear in the bowl within thirty minutes if there are actually any leaks.
  • The newer your water heater, the more energy efficient it can be. Think about replacing your water heater if it is fifteen years or older.
  • If you live in an area where sewers sometimes back up into homes then install a backflow valve in the floor drain. It is designed to prevent future backups.
  • 度长假? Whenever you plan on leaving home for extended periods, shut off the main water valve and drain the system. Opening faucets at the highest and lowest point of the house can do this
  • Be kind to your kitchen drain by not pouring fats or cooking oils down the drain and wipe congealed grease from pots. Liquid fats solidify in the pipes and create clogs.
  • Keep a trash bin in the bathroom to discourage using the toilet as a garbage can. The following items should never be flushed as they create clogs:
    • 棉签
    • 尿布
    • 头发
    • 面部磨砂垫
    • 卫生澳门葡京赌场赢钱技巧
    • 可冲洗擦拭

There is a lot more to plumbing than simply fixing leaks, and these simple steps can make a difference in your home’s plumbing system. Look to us for all the plumbing tips you’ll ever need – all in one spot.