A.Y. McDonald Jet Pump Troubleshooting

A.Y. McDonald Jet Pump Troubleshooting

提示和技巧A.Y. McDonald Jet Pump Troubleshooting

Jet pumps are considered a popular type of pump used for private well systems and low flow irrigation applications. This solution is popular in areas with high water tables and warm climates. The pump itself is mounted above ground and typically used to lift water out of the ground through a suction pipe. Jet pumps are versatile and widely used in various applications, 包括住宅, 商业, 农业环境.


A.Y. McDonald offers multiple models of jet pumps to cater to diverse applications and specific needs. This is necessary due to the unique requirements of different water sources, 深度, 和交付量. See below for the most common 澳门葡京赌场赢钱技巧喷射泵型号:

Regular maintenance is crucial to maximizing the life of a jet pump. With many parts that work together to make the solution as efficient as possible, troubleshooting may be necessary at some point. The most common troubleshooting calls for A.Y. McDonald jet pumps include the following. Possible solutions to these scenarios can be found in the ‘A.Y. McDonald 喷射泵: Common Troubleshooting Calls’ A.Y. McDonald 大学 (AYU) course:

  • 泵不能启动或运转
  • Pump operates but loses prime
  • 泵经常启停
  • 泵关不上
  • Pump operates but delivers little to no water

在调用A之前.Y. McDonald for jet pump troubleshooting, it is essential to gather key information about the pump and its environment. Providing this upfront enables our Customer Service team to offer more accurate and efficient troubleshooting assistance, leading to a quicker resolution. The following information is required:

  • What is the model number of the jet pump?
  • 电压是多少?? 电源?
  • Is this a new installation or existing application?
    • How long has it been installed?
  • Has something changed in your application? 
    • Examples include drought conditions, lightning storm, flooding
  • What is the source of incoming water? 
    • Examples include cistern tank, shallow or deep well, lake
  • What is your specific application?
    • Is this used for residential use, irrigation, both? 
  • What is the fault or concern that you are having with the pump?

By offering a range of options, A.Y. McDonald ensures that customers can find the ideal jet pump to efficiently and effectively meet their water lifting and delivery needs. In addition to the troubleshooting AYU course available, please note that instruction manuals and troubleshooting guides for A.Y. McDonald jet pumps are located on yimlady.com. For additional help, call our customer service department at 1-800-292-2737 or fill out a 联络表格.